Senin, 24 Mei 2010

    Congkak, typical Indonesian Games

    Congkak is a traditional game which is known by various names throughout Indonesia. Usually in the game, a type of clam shells are used as seed Congkak and if not there, sometimes it is also used seeds from plants tumbuhan.Di Malaysiacongkak and the term is also known in some areas in SumateraMelayu. In Java, this game is better known as arrogant, dakon, dhakon or dhakonan. Also in Lampung this game is better known as slow while the boom in Sulawesi this game is better known by the name Mokaotan, Maggaleceng, Aggalacang and Nogarata. In English, this game called Mancala.

    However, this game is not from Malaysia but from INDONESIA

    Games snooty done by two people. In their game board using a board called arrogant, and 98 (14 x 7) fruit seeds called arrogant or fruit seeds arrogant. Generally, boards made of wood and wrapped in cellophane plastic, while the seed is made from shellfish shells, seeds, rocks, marbles, or plastic. On board there are 16 fruit snooty aperture consists of 14 small holes facing each other and the 2 large holes on either side. Any small hole in the side of 7 players and a big hole in the side kananya regarded as belonging to the player.

    At the beginning of the game every little hole filled with seven seeds. Two players face, one can choose the starting aperture will be taken and put one into the hole on his right and so on. When the seeds out in a small pit that contains the seeds of others, he can take those seeds and proceed to fill, can be discharged in a large aperture of hers so she can continue by selecting a small aperture in the side. when discharged at a small hole in the side so he quit and took all the seeds on the opposite side. But when stopped at an empty hole in the side of the opponent so he quit and not gain anything.
    The game is considered finished when it no longer can dimabil seeds (all seeds are placed in a large pit two players). The winner is to get the highest seed

    Javanese Gamelan Arts

    Gamelan is the music created by the sound of gongs alloys, kenong and other Javanese musical instruments.
    The rhythm of the music that is soft and reflects the harmony of Javanese life will soon greet and soothe the soul so heard.
    Then, according to Om Wikipedia, the orchestra is a musical ensemble that usually highlight metallophone, xylophone, drums, and gongs. Gamelan orchestra there are many on the island of Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok in Indonesia in various ensemble sizes and shapes. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th century, the term gong is considered synonymous with gamelan.
    Gamelan orchestra tuning and making is a complex process. Gamelan tuning using four ways, namely slendro, pelog, 'Degung' (special area of Sunda, or West Java), and 'madenda' (also referred to as diatonic, the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe.
    In her show in London yesterday, the spectators who crowded the British Museum in the BP Lecture Theatre made captivated. In the performance art show in London Southbank Gamelan and Javanese dance brought the dancer Ni Made Pujawati.

    Let us move to the Island of the Gods or Bali. Artists Bali Art Festival held in Bali (PKB), one of whose objectives is to revive the ancient art and drum endangered species. One is Gambang which is a rare and sacred gamelan. Gambelan Gambang in several villages and the amounts can be counted on the fingers in Bali, conditions are quite alarming, because kesakralannya played only to accompany religious ceremonies. In central and southern Bali, the gamelan was played to accompany the ceremony Ngaben.

    While in East Bali (Karangasem and vicinity) Gambang also played in relation to the ceremony in the temple ceremony Pretending (persembahyang place for Hindus), which penabuhnya nearly all elderly men because there is no regeneration, said the artist Dewa Nurjana this drum.
    Gamelan Gambang, barreled Pelog (seven tones), formed by six-bladed instrument. The most dominant is the four-bladed instrument called a bamboo xylophone consisting of (the smallest to the biggest) pametit, panganter, panyelad, pamero and pangumbang.
    Every instrument played by a drummer who take the pair of two-pronged pelvis to play a blow-ubitan kotekan or Ubit, and occasionally a single blow or kaklenyongan. Other instruments are 2 tungguh saron Krawang consisting of large sawn.
    He said young people today hardly know many gambelan xylophone, the result of nothing so feared accelerate extinction learning, therefore it is expected that through PKB teenage children begin to know and love later.
    The foreign artists who had studied at Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) of Bali, just a lot of studying art gambelan xylophone, and will be collaborated with the art in his country. Students who studied xylophone gambelan there from America, Europe and Japan.


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